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Ecosystem Management in the Boreal Forest

Ecosystem Management in the Boreal Forest Feuilleter cet ouvrage

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Forest Ecosystem Management

A management approach that aims to maintain healthy and resilient forest ecosystems by focusing on a reduction of differences between natural and managed landscapes to ensure long-term maintenance of ecosystem functions and thereby retain the social and economic benefits they provide to society.

That is the definition of forest ecosystem management proposed in this book, which provides a summary of key ecological concepts supporting this approach. The book includes a review of major disturbance regimes that shape the natural dynamics of the boreal forest and gives examples from different Canadian boreal regions. Several projects implementing the forest ecosystem management approach are presented to illustrate the challenges created by current forestry practices and the solutions that this new approach can provide. In short, knowledge and understanding of forest dynamics can serve as a guide for forest management. Planning interventions based on natural dynamics can facilitate reconciliation between forest harvesting needs and the interests of other forest users.

Table des matières

2009, 572 pages, D2381, ISBN 978-2-7605-2381-4


Édifice Fleurie, 480, de La Chapelle, bureau F015, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 0B6
Tél. : (418) 657-4399   Téléc. : (418) 657-2096

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Réalisation : iXmédia



Tuomas Aakala

Claude Allain

Saida Amouch

Louis Bélanger

Jonatan Belle-Isle

Annie Belleau

Pierre Y. Bernier

Hervé Bescond

Mathieu Bouchard

Claude M. Bouchard

Dominique Boucher

Catherine Boudreault

Suzanne Brais

Yves Claveau

Darwyn Coxson

Dominic Cyr

André De Römer

Margaret Donnelly

Brock Epp

Nicole Fenton

Mike . Flannigan

Martin P. Girardin

Art Groot

Brian Harvey

Louis Imbeau

Jean-Pierre Jetté

Norm Kenkel

Timo Kuuluvainen

Danielle Laprise

Ève Lauzon

Héloïse Le Goff

Paul Leblanc

Nicolas Lecomte

Sonia Légaré

Kim Logan

Julie Messier

Tom Moore

Jacques Morissette

David Paré

Sophie Périgon

Nathalie Perron

Anh Thu Pham

David Radies

Rob Rempel

Gérardo Reyes

Jean-Pierre Saucier

Andrée-Anne Simard

Martin Simard

Alanna Sutton

Jacques Tardif

Laird Van Damme


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