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Contemporary and Innovative Practices in Child and Youth Advocacy Centre Models

Contemporary and Innovative Practices in Child and Youth Advocacy Centre Models Feuilleter cet ouvrage


Child Advocacy Centres (CACs), also known as Child & Youth Advocacy Centres (CYACs), Children’s Houses, and Barnahus, are a child-focused trauma-informed approach to improving the multidisciplinary response to abuse and violence in the lives of children and youth. Contemporary and Innovative Practices in Child and Youth Advocacy Centre Models brings an international perspective to contemporary and innovative CAC practices around the world. It provides a range of perspectives offering valuable insights, suggestions, and advice to stimulate ideas for establishing, growing and modifying a CAC model and multi-agency collaboration in order to build capacity to respond to the incredibly diverse types of cases, children, youth and families that come through a CAC’s doors.

As authors explore diverse sociolegal, demographic and cultural contexts within different service environments, they draw attention to successes but are also honest about challenges, barriers, and potential pitfalls.

Table des matières

2023, 424 pages, D5538, ISBN 978-2-7605-5538-9

Édifice Fleurie, 480, de La Chapelle, bureau F015, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 0B6
Tél. : (418) 657-4399   Téléc. : (418) 657-2096

©2025 - Tous droits réservés
Réalisation : iXmédia



Marc Alain

Myriam Ariey-Jouglard

Krysta Aronson

Elisiv Bakketeig

Maggie Blake

Carole-Anne Boulet

Stephen Budde

Elizabeth Ciesar

Paula Condol

Linda Cordisco Steele

Mireille Cyr

Sophie De Cordes

Lynda DeChief

Tanya Deurvorst Smith

Violeta Dubov

Rayna Enriquez

Deborah Goodman

Susan Hardie

Dana Hartman

Cailey Hartwick

James Herbert

Nicola Herting

Katy Irving

Susanna Johansson

Akadia Kacha-Ochana

Amanda Koyama

Miranda Kramer

Annika Melinder

Michelle Miller

Amber Miners

Joseph Mooney

Janice Murphy

Danielle Nadeau

Amy Ornstein

Aoife O’Malley

Martine Powell

Elizabeth Ralston

Audrey Rastin

Pearl Rimer

Gail S. Goodman

Carrie Sanders

Tracy Scott

Jennifer Shields

Geoff Sidoli

Jane Silovsky

Annick St-Amand

Kari Stefansen

Regan Stewart

Erin Taylor

Dafna Tener

Shosh Turjeman

Wendy Walsh

Jan Waters

Amanda Weightman


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